Cursor by www.Soup-Faerie.Com Nonsensicallyingenius: Hello to NOBODY!!!

Friday, December 16, 2005

Hello to NOBODY!!!

Sounds like I'm mad, huh? haha! I don't get mad!! (i get homicidal...) So it's been a little bit since I've written. So fucking what? You got some kind of fucking problem? I'm going out with one of my old bud's, that used to come into Chuy's all the time, tonight. Cool, huh? I'm sittin here, havin a Coors. (No, NOT light.)
I'll give the first person who names the movie this quote came from $2,900.


"Heineken, FUCK THAT SHIT!!- Pabst Blue Ribbon!!"

OK- red team go!! But I guarantee the blue team will win.
There's been a lot going on in my life. Well, considering I usually live a content, and easy-going, non-problem-filled life. I don't think it would be worth it to get into those things for now. This blog is a widely published piece of literature, and I don't want it to get into the wrong hands. Not that I have anything negative to say, but business is business.
I'm going to get another beer....


...Hey, did you know that Mohandas K. Gandhi was born on the same day as I was? Obviously not the same year, but still. You guys are in for more enlightenment than you previously gathered!! Haha... I think I'm so smart. Somebody should inform me otherwise. Look at me, talkin all smart, and shit!! Just kick me in the chin! That always works. No matter what the circumstances, I promise. Try it. I did in kindergarten. Kicked my teacher right in the chin. What?! She was giving me grief!! Then again, I could be pretending some fantasy I always had actually happened. Maybe I think I'm cooler than what I really am. Yeah, I do.

Well, since I don't have anything really important to say, and since the person I'm waiting for a reply from hasn't come through, I think I'll shut this thing down. Have a great fill-in-the-blank...


Blogger Walking Contradiction said...

Okay, you got me. I have NO idea what movie your talking about. I'm waiting......

Whenever you see the person you were waiting for a reply from again, kick 'em in the chin! Yeah, that's pretty far up place to reach though. I say, go for the shin.

12/18/2005 12:26 PM  
Blogger Nonsensicallyingenius said...

Dennis Hopper.....

And what I meant was shin... I forgot about the word chin that was in existance... Don't tell anyone that I'm not smart.

Or else...

12/18/2005 6:43 PM  
Blogger Walking Contradiction said...

Blue Velvet.
Next one please.

12/19/2005 1:03 AM  
Blogger Nonsensicallyingenius said...

VERY NICELY DONE!!!! I'm satisfied now.

12/19/2005 6:39 PM  
Blogger Walking Contradiction said...

Got another one????

12/20/2005 5:00 AM  
Blogger Ralph said...

Wish I knew the name of the movie. Just got done with Christmas shopping and could use the $2,900.
Thanks for stopping by hope you do again.

12/21/2005 1:22 PM  

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