Cursor by www.Soup-Faerie.Com Nonsensicallyingenius: Ouch, my back...

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Ouch, my back...

So, at the beginning of this week, I started my lead as one's teacher. So far it has been pretty good. The kids are a blast, and love me. The only problem is my co/assistant-teacher. What an annoying and stupid bitch!! She completely tries to take over and take credit for everything. She just turned 18, and thinks she is god's gift to the human race. I, personally, would love to see her head implode. I wish I could feed her an Alka-Selzer, and that it would cause her to bloat so bad that she blew up-- chunks everywhere. I wouldn't even care if some got on me, as long as it wasn't her mouth or vocal chords, because those are my least favorite parts about her. I don't think I have even been in front of this machine since my last post; so to the one man that seems to be super-interested: HIYA!!! Love seeing that little Calvin cartoon. Seriously, though.

I would really like to go out and have a beer. I rode my bike to my friend's place last night, got picked up, and when I pulled my bike out of the back of the truck, noticed that my back tire was completely flat. What the fuck?!?! So now I don't even have a ride anywhere!! Son of a bitch!! My buddy was going to call me and we were going to hang out, but my mom is on the phone, so I'm S.O.L. I got another spendidly large check today. I'm going to start putting some away. I think after this payment I'll have the money I owed for my license all paid off. Yip-fuckin-ee!!! I need to fix my bike. Damn.

Yeah, so, it's Veteran's Day tomorrow. Guess who's working?!?! I don't even get a short day. I work 8:30 to 6:30. I guess I wouldn't be getting big checks if I weren't doing that. Doy. Mom's talk on the phone for a long time. I wish there was some football on tonight. My effin' Lions lost last Sunday. Everyone keeps telling me I should pick another team. I'm not too easily convinced to do anything. That's a stupid general statement that isn't true. Well, if we don't have very many kids tomorrow the annoying broad will be sent to another room, so wish me luck!! And have a great some-particular-time-of-day!!


Blogger Isaak said...

I think you need to chill out re your assistant teacher... she's probably just like you and wants to make a good impression...

Chill out!


11/10/2005 7:22 PM  
Blogger Walking Contradiction said...

Girl, you crack my shit up, even if I am constipated
while walking.
.. Good luck with the bitch, eeerrr, I mean assistant bit....uumm...

Stick with your team. Fuck that bandwagon bullshit. During the 80's, the Yanks were one of the worst teams out there. Now they have won the World Series in: 1996,1998,1999,2000.
Not to shabby!
Just because your team blows
doesn't mean you drop them. What would that say about you? Fuck the trendy bullshit!


OH, and HIYA!

11/11/2005 4:43 AM  
Blogger Walking Contradiction said...

Who is the limey from Australia??

11/11/2005 4:46 AM  
Blogger Nonsensicallyingenius said...

Nobody can be like me. I'm too cool for anyone to even try. geez... Plus, the way I feel about making a good impression is: DON'T FUCKING TRY SO GOD DAMNED HARD!!! Chances are, you'll try WAY too hard, and make yourself look like a fool. AND... If people don't like you for the way YOU ARE, then why the fuck would you want to try to 'impress' them?!?!
'nuf said. (get your finger out of your mouth, that's how you get sick.)

11/12/2005 8:51 AM  
Blogger Nonsensicallyingenius said...

And I'll never betray the LIONS... I promise. True to the end. (no matter how bad it hurts every Sunday.)

11/12/2005 8:53 AM  

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