Cursor by www.Soup-Faerie.Com Nonsensicallyingenius: Happy Hollerday

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Happy Hollerday

I made my boss this little gift bag from a piece of construction paper. And the designs on it- construction paper cut-outs. The bottom of it exactly fit a pack of cigarettes laying down on its back. Cute, huh?
The other little thingies are lables for my presents. I just wanted to show you all how creative and talented I am. If there is a job for someone who can cut funny little figures out of paper, I'm the girl for it.

I haven't had a cigarette for a week. Haven't wanted one. Last night I went to the bar with a few of my old friends, they were all smoking. I wanted to test myself, so I asked for a drag just to see what was up. It was disgusting! Pretty cool, huh?
Not much going on. Illin'. Works going good. Been pretty happy lately. In good health, good spirits. Hope you all are doing as well as me and my family. Merry Christmas! Hope you get something good!!!!


Blogger Walking Contradiction said...

Hey, I saw those, but didn't say anything because I am tired of being called a cornball nerd, but those are really good, and I am sure they took a lot of effort, and ummmm..... stuff.

12/29/2005 11:19 PM  
Blogger Walking Contradiction said...

Is it me, or is the snowman sitting next to yellow snow???

12/29/2005 11:22 PM  
Blogger Nonsensicallyingenius said...

Yellow snow, yes. And the best kinds of people ARE cornball nerds.
Everyone else is just going to have to deal with it.

12/31/2005 1:01 PM  

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