Cursor by www.Soup-Faerie.Com Nonsensicallyingenius: The peace, The quiet, The beer...

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

The peace, The quiet, The beer...

Don't tell Daddy... I stole a beer. I might steal two. Daddy brews beer at home. Damn fine beer, if I may say so myself. He doesn't really care if I take some, though, does that count as stealing? Whatever...

So I got home from work this evening, and immediately afterward, everyone left!!! I have the whole house to myself! I got into some comfortable shorts, turned off the TV, and turned on the radio. I really love music. I really hate TV. I really like that everyone is the eff out of here, too! Why am I sitting at the computer when I could be enjoying this whole house?!?!

The peace, The quiet, The beer!!!!!


Blogger I'm not even supposed to be here today said...

Uninterrupted computer time is nice too though...

9/25/2005 12:12 PM  

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