Cursor by www.Soup-Faerie.Com Nonsensicallyingenius: I am planning a mass murder... pass it on.

Sunday, August 21, 2005

I am planning a mass murder... pass it on.

I am pissed. I am fucking irritated. I already started writing this shit a minute ago, but i fucked it up, and now i have to start all fucking over again. Why am I so fucking pissed, you ask? Maybe you didn't.... here, go ahead... ask... Okay, now i don't really feel like telling you. I fucking hate everybody. I am so sick of it all. I am so sick of drama queen, spoiled-ass fucking bitches. I am sick of listening to even a mere breath escaping from their mouths. I am sick of sitting back, and being forced to listen to these little fat-faced bitches demean me, and not being told to shut the fuck up, and have some fucking respect. I am sick of people who can't just fucking grow the fuck up, and get over shit. If someone is bothering you, fucking ignore them. Iam sick of people who play favorites, and even worse, least favorites. I am sick of a lot of fucking things. Shall I go on? Keep your opinion to yourself, i don't want it. I am sick of people who do ignorant, and careless things, in hopes that it will be taken as funny. I especially am sick of getting hit in the fucking face with shit. I will not accept any more fucking apologies, because an apology entails working to not do that same sort of thing, yes? An apology every other day is bullshit. I am sick of fucking hearing the name Matt Parks. I am sick of being in debt. My being in debt makes for a shitty time for me. I am sick of hearing about it. I am sick to my stomach. I am poor, and have to smoke these sick "Merit" cigarettes. They were given to me by a real, and loving person. Not someone close to me, but someone close to someone i am becoming very close to. Do you care? NO? that makes me sick. These smokes are sick, guys. SICK. I am sick of not having my own place. I am sick of cheer. I am sick of waiting until September 8th for football season to start. I am sick of not seeing the Detroit Lions win the super bowl. Is that so fucking hard? It's sickening. I am sick of people telling me to tell them when I'm done with the computer. I am sick of the buzz of the television, and of the sight of mindless retards in a daze at the disney channel. I am sick of non-educational programming. I am sick of smut. I am so hungry that I am becoming sick. I am sick. I am beginning to think that i am sick in the head. The new Mustang GT's are sick.

I am a mindless retard. I am doing no good. I am sick of hearing. Being deaf would be sick. I wish I had some useful information to pass on. Because when I said "mass murder"-- I meant mass suicide. It's gonna be tomorrow. It's gonna be sick.


Blogger JUST A MOM said...


8/21/2005 10:49 PM  

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