Cursor by www.Soup-Faerie.Com Nonsensicallyingenius: I've run out of funnies....

Monday, July 25, 2005

I've run out of funnies....

Good morning/afternoon/evening, everybody! Hope we all had a good weekend! Would you like to hear about mine?! If not, drag your mouse up to the top right hand side of this window, click the red square with the "X" in it, and EFF OFF!
Hee hee! Um, where do we start... Friday night I hung out with Kelli, and all kinds of other good buddies, including a man who I REALLY am going to marry, named Zach. The only thing is, Zach is not a big drinker-- um, whoa, hold on a minute... did I just say that? Maybe I can cool it a little bit and we'll be good. Anyway, we all had a blast. Went for a walk (5 of us) over the footbridge for the freeeway, did a little roof climbing, watched poor Kelli kind of fall off the roof, landing on the gate with a leg over either side of it... youch. Stayed up til about 5:00am-ish. It was fun. But the weekend didn't really start til Saturday-- We were all going to Crown King, AZ-- which is a BEAUTIFUL very small town up in the mountains, about 7,000 feet up. There is about 60-90 people who live there full time. Everybody I went with goes there pretty often. This was my first time, though. Anyway... So there's one bar, they had karaoke Sat. night. Kelli sang a lot of songs. I danced a little, I am not a singer. Don't try. I'm just fine with that. I could not believe how laid back, polite, and fun the people in this town were! It was awesome! Everyone made you feel completely comfortable, and welcome. I GOT SHITFACED!!! We stayed at the bar for lots of hours. Kelli and I rode her Banshee back to the cabin-- we walked the first time, but it was pouring down rain for so long that the road to the cabin was flooded. It was like, 50 feet of half-foot deep water, and either side of the road was covered with trees and bushes. So we get back, Kelli and Aaron (her baby-daddy) passed out, and my buddies Matt, and Jason and I went over to the cabin next door. There were a bunch of people hanging out outside, and they recognized us from the bar. They were pretty damn cool. We all kept drinking til like, 4 in the morning-- then when we went home I couldn't lay down cause my head was spinning. Jason told me to go make myself puke, and I'd be fine. I said if I did that, I'd be puking all night,and all day, but finally he talked me into it... and... guess what happened!!! Dawn's vomiting everywhere.
The next day, we all went out for breakfast... I mean, everyone else had breakfast, I hung out at the table until I finally could puke again, and then ate the dry parts of my buttered toast, and had as much water as I could stomache... I hate water... Then we all went back to the lake. A 6 mile drive on terrible roads, where we could only bump around at 15 MPH. I did pretty well. I didn't puke until we were a half mile away from our destination point. Came home, slept, whatever...

But listen to this!!!!!! Okay, so, last Friday, when I was stupid... When I hung out with Eric's cousin all night... and he made me hate Hamiltons... Well, I talked to Eric about it. I told him exactly what happened, and even that I didn't want to talk to him after that whole night. But I did. I didn't tell him I loved him, though. Anyway... that night/day, I didn't want to come out of Todd (the cousin)'s room, because he lives with Eric's sister, and I knew she would develope some scandelous story about me sleeping with Todd. GUESS WHAT??!! (excuse my potty mouth daddy) That fucking cunt did exactly that! Eric called me yesterday: "So, I talked to my sister earlier..." -and I say-"Yeah, how was that?" -here's Eric again- "She elaborated on your night with Todd..." What in the fuck??!!! Excuse the fuck out of me.... I told him exactly what happened, I told him EVERYTHING. And you talk to your moronic-drama-obsessed-ugly sister, who obviously is so dissatisfied with herself, that she feels the need to fill your head with stupid lies that do nothing but cause problems and make you unhappy??!! What a selfish, and pathetic piece of shit!! All this is nothing I care too deeply about, because I AM DONE with that family, it's just so ridiculous that this girl thinks her life is worth living!!! I can't wait to see her again, I'm gonna make myself laugh so hard!! My favorite thing to do about people I hate is sit close and talk shit where they can ACTUALLY HEAR ME, and hope that she wants to "go." hee hee. I don't fight... I just want the opportunity to talk shit to her face. I'm so mad, how can people lie so much!! That is SO LAME!! Eric can think whatever he wants. He hasn't been my boyfriend for a while, as far as I'm concerned.

Screw this, I'm outty five-thou, my niggas!!!


Blogger Nonsensicallyingenius said...

Next time you fart brains tell me to post, I won't!!!!!!!! Mother Truckers...

7/26/2005 11:05 PM  
Blogger Diane said...

I have been in situations where it looks bad to someone else, but I know the truth and it isn't a big deal. You explained things to Eric...he listened to his don't owe him anything else. You don't need his permission to live your life. Sounds like you have fun...and that's the main thing...don't let some guy bring you down with some guilt-trip that doesn't need to be.

7/27/2005 10:22 AM  
Blogger Sum Kinda Princess said...

Miss nasty mouth, I did post a comment to your blog. You just have to look downward a bit to one of your other posts. Now go wash that mouth out with soap!!

7/27/2005 3:20 PM  
Blogger Nonsensicallyingenius said...

my bad... Sorry Amber. Consider my mouth washed.

7/27/2005 5:03 PM  

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