Cursor by www.Soup-Faerie.Com Nonsensicallyingenius: The first of June, huh?

Thursday, June 01, 2006

The first of June, huh?

Let's see... I took my tests... Travis got out of jail on bond until, I think at least September-- at least. Not sure what's going on with that. He's got all kinds of court dates, obviously. Umm... He can't drive, so his parents were talking about getting me a car so I can go out there, and go to pick him up whenever we want to go anywhere.
Then he tells me tonight; that tomorrow they're going to look at a Cadillac for that purpose. He'll be driving it sometimes, too, so he wanted it to be something he liked. Yeah, so that's a small part of what's going on right now. Been workin little, and I'll be spending my weekends at his parents' place for as long as that has to last.

Jen's (my boss) baby is having heart problems. I think he's alright, just being watched very carefully.

Okay, I'm gonna go watch South Park. Peace.

Haven't gotten the results from the test yet... I'll keep you posted.


Blogger Walking Contradiction said...

June 17th. huh?

6/17/2006 1:37 AM  

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