Cursor by www.Soup-Faerie.Com Nonsensicallyingenius: My throat hurts...

Thursday, May 11, 2006

My throat hurts...

Maybe it's because I haven't even thought about a drink since last Sunday. I'm doing really well. You gotta think, for someone who has pretty much had at least three beers (or some whiskey...) per night for the last 7 years, it could be a hard thing, right? I think I should be proud. I feel better about myself. There are a lot of things that I am seeing differently now. Reality is a real thing now.

Hahaha.. reality has always been real, but beer took me away for a little while each night. It was nice.

The great thing about getting paid tomorrow, is that I need shoes, and a new cell phone (from slip 'n' sliding and kiddie pool wrestling with it...) and I have all kinds of things I need to shop for, and I'm not going to spend a penny on booze!! It's gonna be a whole new thing for me!! whoa!

Well, my throat really is killing me slowly, and painfully... prolly won't sleep much tonight, so I'm gonna get a head start on sleep time.

If you give a shit, can I get a woot woot?!?!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

woot woot. I've been lurking since the beginning and I'm really proud of how far you've come!! You have MUCH to be proud of, and the new "I don't NEED to drink" thing is applaudable!! Keep up the good work!!

5/12/2006 6:05 AM  

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