Cursor by www.Soup-Faerie.Com Nonsensicallyingenius: Hey. Guess what? I am an employed patron.

Monday, August 08, 2005

Hey. Guess what? I am an employed patron.

I, again, don't have much of anything to say. Imagine that!! I just had mommy take a couple pictures of my wrist, so Rachael could see the monstrosity. I like it. It really does, look cooler in person... The artist; who's book I pulled the designs from, is a very dark, very talented man. If you'd like to look on his website, as I mentioned in one of my picture entries-- it is H.R. He is responsible for designing the alien in the Alien movies, as well as the predator in "Predator." Yeah, so .... if I hear one more time: "Dawn, when are you gonna be done with the computer?" OR "Dawn, you're taking too long." OR ANYTHING ELSE ALONG THOSE LINES......... I am going to shit myself with rage!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So, I"m going to end this right the fuck now.

(I'm not really irritated..... I just really have to use the potty, and the comments are not helping.....)


Blogger I'm not even supposed to be here today said...

It's pretty fucking cool-looking. Personally, I could never get a tattoo.. too permanent. I can't even change my damned haircolor because it's too "permanent." I perfer piercings, cause I can take make those go away anytime I like (i.e. change my mind any time I like).

So happy you got the daycare job. I think you're really gonna dig, and that they are lucky to have you on-board!

8/09/2005 3:43 PM  
Blogger Nonsensicallyingenius said...

We'll just have to postpone it to a battle on the bed!!!------ (how immodest!! don't tell my dad.)

8/13/2005 1:17 PM  

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